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Magic By Jozzy

Microneedles Professional Penetrating with 540 Needles for Face, Body, Whitening, Repairing, Lighten Wrinkles, Improve Dark Circles

Are microneedles effective.

It's considered effective in treating minor scarring related to acne, wounds, and aging. You'll likely notice brighter, firmer skin, too. Ideal results are achieved after multiple sessions. Microneedling is far more effective than at-home rollers.

Love to It.

While rolling onto my face, I felt no pain at all. Make sure to buy the vitamin C serum - it was so cheap but I can feel it penetrating my skin as I type. The product came super fast, and I now know that they care about customer safety. I can’t wait to see my face after a few uses. I could go to an estetichan for a 109% increase, but my stylist (estetichian certified) and make up artist approved. It’s nice to be able to fix problem areas at home. Thank you derma roller and Mia!!!! Xo *** omg! They also sent he a good luck charm!!! My mother passed a few months ago and this has been my little symbol. I LOVE THIS COMPANY!!! *** will update pictures soon :)

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